Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich (CPC-M) - So that lung diseases dissolve into thin air

Comprehensive Pneumology Center Munich (CPC-M)

So that lung diseases dissolve into thin air

Four strong partners from clinical practice and science united in the fight against chronic diseases of the lung

The extent of chronic diseases of the lungs is still underestimated. In contrast to cardiovascular or metabolic diseases, which have been the subject of intensive research, we still know very little about the development of many respiratory diseases. At the same time, the number of diseases such as asthma, COPD or lung cancer continues to rise. In Europe, lung diseases are in second place in terms of prevalence, deaths and costs (Bösch, Lunge und Atemwege, Springer) –
after cardiovascular diseases.

The aim of the CPC-M is therefore to explore new possibilities for the diagnosis and clinical treatment of chronic lung diseases. Our translational, interdisciplinary approach ensures that the results of our basic research reach the patient as quickly as possible – thus contributing to better treatment and recovery.

Example COPD. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has become a widespread disease. It is the third largest cause of death in the world – and the trend is rising. One of the main causes is smoking, which is why it is also called smoker's lung. But why do more and more non-smokers get COPD?

We do not know that exactly yet – but we want to find out.


The CPC-M combines four renowned partners
from research and clinical practice: